SCHOOL: Nature
RACE: Unicorn
AGE: 19
BODY COLOR(S): Earth Green
MANE/TAIL COLOR(S): Two shades of bright green
Eye Color: Bright Pink
SPECIAL TALENT: The ability to heal other ponies with magic
BIRTHDAY: March 12th
Nature Hills backstory is one shrouded in sick and wounded ponies, who she always had a special talent for healing using her magic. As a result, she earned her cutie mark really early in life, indicating that she was destined to be a powerful healer.
Several months before meeting the other Seers, she had begun to have nightmares about seeing the three of them fighting a terrifying crimson red stallion, who she would later learn was named Strange Tidings. Consulting with Princess Luna the very next day didn't offer up any relief whatsoever, so she had to weather this situation herself.
On one faithful day, right before the Grand Galloping Gala, she encountered the three other Seers: Mystical Melody, Burning Embers, and Lightning Storm, who she had seen before in a nightmare. This obviously upset her and sent her scampering for safety. Shortly thereafter, it was explained to her that they were Seers, and were looking for a crimson red pony named Strange Tidings. A chance encounter with said stallion thereafter caused her to spring into action, using her magic to drive Strange away and save the other Seers. She went to the Grand Galloping Gala with them thereafter and joined their quest to find and stop Strange Tidings once and for all.
Her powers helped the Seers immensely, right up until the final encounter with Strange himself. Afterwards, she became the head nurse as both Saddleville Hospital and the infirmary of the HoovenStrum School.
Some time later, she went on a vacation with many others to the beautiful island of Haywaii, where she went in search of a magical item called the Mythical Flower, which supposedly held the power to turn her into a Cleric; The first one since her ancestor, Leaf Green. In the end, she succeeded in finding the flower, which not only boosted her magical powers immensely, it altered her body slightly, changing her physical appearance. Even her cutie mark changed, going from a single leaf to several leaves surrounded by green sparkles!
She and Lightning Storm, whom she had developed romantic feelings towards over the course of their adventures together, ended up settling down in Saddleville together, and the two enjoy living together and supporting one another.
Nature Hills has an earth green body and light green mane and tail, making her easy to distinguish among a crowd. She is always seen wearing a pink flower in her mane and usually carries a saddlebag filled with healing potions and recovery items everywhere she goes, along with her trusty mace.
Following her ascension to Cleric status, her mane and tail designs changed dramatically, along with her cutie mark. She also now wears two silver bracelets with pink jewels on her front hooves, as well as a neckband.
Nature Hills personality makes it incredibly easy for her to make friends. She is very sweet and soft spoken, and never hesitates to spring into action when she sees a wounded Pony. As her magic is capable of healing almost any injury and curing any illness or status condition she may encounter, she is quite confident in her abilities.
Though she can become distraught if the situation begins looking grave, she's usually able to stand her ground as long as she's with her friends.
As a Nature Pony, she can heal others injuries in a heartbeat, although some injuries will still require at least a few days of bed rest to fully recover. She is capable of curing most status conditions as well, including petrification and poison, and she is one of the few ponies in existence who are able to cure the dreaded Deadly Poison without the need of a Refreshing Herb.
While she does have some offensive spells, they're not as powerful as the other schools of magic, meaning she won't be overwhelming anypony with flashy spells of mass destruction like a Thunder Pony can. Also, being a Nature Pony, she is naturally weak to Darkness Magic.
She carries a mace, a healers favorite, with her at all times, though she rarely uses it, and her skill with it is questionable. It's usually enough to defend herself in close-range combat, however.
Her healing powers
Curing other ponies
Helping ponies in distress
Maradice Isle
Spending time with Lightning Storm
Getting things done at the hospital
Practicing her abilities
When her friends get injured
When she has to heal a pony she knows is rude by nature
Dealing with idiots
Darkness magic
Dark or scary places
As a Nature Pony, her healing abilities are next to none, making her extremely valuable for bigger encounters
She always has a good supply of healing items and equipment on hoof at all times
She has a few offensive spells to protect herself
Like the Frost Pony, she has a few protection spells that absorb incoming damage
She gets along with children very well
Being a Nature Pony, she's naturally weak to Darkness magic
Although her healing magic is exceptional, it does have it's limits
She can't cure EVERY status aliment out there
She tends to exhaust her magic supply quickly, leaving her with no magic power remaining to use for healing, attacking or protecting her friends
Her cutie mark is a symbolization of her incredible abilities as a Nature Pony, not to mention the Nature Seer.
Although her cutie mark has changed since she became a cleric, it's meaning has stayed the same just as well.
MYSTICAL MELODY: If ever there were moments that Nature questioned Melody's intentions, these thoughts were quickly snuffed out, either due to their friendship, or the fact that Melody has helped Nature to realize her true potential. Nature knows that Melody values her not only as a friend, but also a vital addition to their team. The two are often seen gossiping about what's going on around the island, especially on Saturday.
LIGHTNING STORM: It was love at first sight when these two met. They spent the majority of their time at the Grand Galloping Gala, and over the course of the "Dawn of Shadows" incident, they grew very close. It is now to the point where many consider them a couple, considering the fact that they live together and even share the same bed. It's obvious that they're as close as a mare and stallion can be, and they're rarely seen apart.
BURNING EMBERS: She sees Burning Embers as a good friend, and enjoy watching him and Melody getting along the same way she gets along with Lightning Storm. Though she has her doubts about his abilities at times, she usually pushes these thoughts aside when the chips are down and their backs are against the wall. She is always happy to fight by his side.
AUTUMN SHINE: It's debatable what Nature sees in little Autumn Shine. After all, most of their time together is spent with Nature healing the Pegasus' injuries or in the company of one or more of her parents. One thing is for sure, though: Nature thinks Autumn has much potential. "She's just a little rough around the edges. She has a long way to go, but she'll get there!"
INSTRUMENT STRUMS: Though she only knew him for a few short weeks, she was nonetheless impressed by the elderly unicorn and his massive amounts of power and knowledge he had gained throughout his life. While she does wish she could have gotten to spend more time with him before he passed away, she is nonetheless happy that she got to meet one of her ancestors friends.