Sometimes, all it takes is one young pony to change the course of history...
Welcome to the OFFICIAL Maradice Isle Encyclopedia! This is your one-stop source for any and all information about Maradice Isle, it's characters, and so much more! There's never a dull moment on this island.
This islands long history, spanning well over 5,000 years, is one rich with trial, effort, triumph, and tragedy. Read on to discover what insane secrets this land has in store for you.
NOTE: Subjects marked in RED are not available as of yet.
The Island
Main Office
School Faculty Building
School Grounds
The Classrooms
The Vault
Royal Palace
ClockTower Library
Town Hall
Maradice Retirement Homes
The Northern Woods
Essence Shrine
Wacky's Lab
The Southern Shores
The beach house
- Hot Springs
- Frostland

The Inhabitants
General Population
The Guards
The Seers
Instrument Strums
Noteworthy Ponies
The History
The "Dawn of Shadows" incident
Melody's Quest
The islands origins
Love for combat
Banned Events
Standing History
History of HoovenStrum

The HoovenStrum School
The Extras
Laws and Rules
Maradice 101
What's different?
The Games

Video by bulldozerman185 of Bulldozer Studios