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RACE: Unicorn

AGE: 21


MANE/TAIL COLOR(S): bright yellow and orange

EYE COLOR: Bright orange


SPECIAL TALENT: Control and immunity to fire-based attacks.


BIRTHDAY: July 10th


Burning Embers story begins with the unfortunate demise of both of his parents, due to the airship they were all riding on crashing into the ocean and exploding. The two parents were nowhere to be seen when a rescue crew arrived, and the then 6-year-old Burning Embers was half dead from drowning. Luckily, the rescuers were able to save him, though his parents were lost.

It would be two years later before he would finally enroll into the HoovenStrum School, where he was unsure, insecure, and constantly worried. He was only a week into the first course when he met a then 7-year-old Mystical Melody, and the pair quickly became good friends, despite the fact that they were from different schools of magic.

They laughed, played, studied, and grew up together in the rough and tumble of HoovenStrum, and even began to develop romantic feelings for each other when they entered into their teenage years.

As it turned out, he was quite skilled with a sword, and managed to combine both his Ember powers and his prowess with a blade, though his skills were only adequate at the time.

When Melody went to go on her adventure in Equestria, he naturally tagged along, saying that he wasn't about to let her go on this journey by herself. Though he had his doubts about his ability to fight evil, he quickly turned his train of thought around when he remembered what was at stake.

Throughout their adventure, he noticed both his skill with his sword and his magical power growing all the way, especially once the pair discovered Power Orbs and added them to their arsenal.

It also dawned upon him that his feelings for Melody allowed him to do incredible things, such as assault an entire outpost full of Strange Tidings monsters in order to claim a magical herb that he needed to save Melody from Deadly Poison. This act of heroism not only earned him much respect among the military establishments of Equestria, but he also finally won Melody's heart, and the two's love for one another was sealed from then on.

Embers stuck with Melody throughout her entire adventure, and when they returned to Maradice Isle, he was awestruck to see his colthood friend become an alicorn princess. Not long after, the two came together and had their beautiful daughter, Aquatic Showers, a testament to their dedication to stay together through thick and thin.

Following the "Dawn of Shadows" incident, Embers became the new captain of the Maradice Guard, giving him complete authority over the islands military force, where he ensures the ponies under his command are in top shape for war at every waking moment.

These days, he can be found patrolling the island for any signs of troublemakers.


Burning Embers is easily distinguished from other ponies due to his bright red color and yellow mane and tail mixed with orange. His cutie mark is a flame.

When he's on duty as the guard captain, he's seen wearing a set of grange mithril and Magma Mineral armor lined with crimson red trim. Although it's the same suit of armor that Elite guards wear, his is a different color to signify his difference from the guard.


His personalty is a sort of mixed bag. Most of the time, he's kind and caring to other ponies. But when it comes to telling his soldiers off for misbehaving, he speaks in a loud and deep tone that wouldn't feel out of place coming from a drill sergeant.


When in battle, he's quick to think and even quicker to act, using his skills to quickly overpower a foe. His attitude changes to match this fighting style, and it's not uncommon for him to insult or intimidate the enemy in order to get ahead of them.


As an Ember Pony, he has vast control over the elements of fire and even molten lava, able to use them for powerful offense attacks that linger on their target, harming them again and again. He is also a skilled swordspony, and values his abilities with a trusty sword and shield.

Sadly, like all Ember Ponies, he is weak to Frost spells, though his suit of mithril armor helps to alleviate this problem to a vast extent. He also is lacking the physical health and endurance of a Frost Pony, meaning he must do his best to avoid the enemies attacks. Luckily, it's not as bad as a Thunder Ponies.





Using Ember magic

Practicing his swords skills

Spending time with Melody

Training new recruits

Patroling the island




The cold

When Melody is hurt

Watching ponies suffer

Losing battles

When things don't go quite right


  Is unequal in the use of Ember Magic.

  His spells inflict lasting injuries on the enemy.

  He can hit multiple targets at once.

  He is highly skilled with a sword and shield.

  He commands the Maradice royal army.


  Can often rush into trouble without thinking things through.

  Can lose his cool when things go horribly wrong, leaving him sloppy and imprecise.

  He is very weak to Frost magic, and must wear armor to protect himself.

  Has a rather unfortunate history of losing his swords for one reason or another.


He is the Ember Seer, and as such, his cutie mark is a large orange flame, indicating his natural skills at using Ember magic.


  MYSTICAL MELODY: The love of his life. He and Melody have been best friends since they were tiny children, and he's willing to sacrifice his life to save hers. When she is in danger, he gains a boost of strength even he doesn't fully understand, allowing him to quickly overpower whatever danger they face. Their love for each other eventually lead to the birth of their firstborn daughter, Aquatic Showers.

  LIGHTNING STORM: At first, Embers thought nothing of Lightning Storm, thinking he was just a rowdy unicorn who didn't have any special purpose in life. But not long afterwards did he and Melody learn that Storm was the Thunder Seer, and before he knew it, they were great friends, fighting side by side against the Evil Incarnations and other kinds of evil.

  NATURE HILLS: It's no surprise that Embers sees Nature Hills as a valuable asset to their team, seeing as how her magic is able to heal mortal injury and cure the most deadliest of diseases. He considers her a fantastic friend, and is more then happy for the fact that she and Lightning Storm have decided to settle down together, thinking them to be a wonderful couple.

  AUTUMN SHINE: Though he still considers her a silly little filly who just likes to get into mischief at times, he does enjoy the company of Autumn Shine. Like Melody, he sees much potential in her as a Frost Pony, and is always eager to pass on one or more of his sword skills to her.

  AQUATIC SHOWERS: If there were a dictionary definition for a father who loves his daughter with all his heart, Burning Embers would definitely be in there somewhere. He loves his firstborn daughter as much as Melody, and will fight with all his might to protect her. Even if it means laying down his own life in the process.

Moment of Recall - Final Fantasy: Brave Exvius OST
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DISCLAIMER: All characters, locations, scenarios and game cards seen on this website are owned and copyright by Bulldozer Studios and their staff. All Rights Reserved.

My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic and all associating characters or locations referenced on this website are owned and copyright by Hasbro. All Rights Reserved.

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