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Melody's Journal

Throughout her quest in Equestria, Melody kept a journal of her adventure where she wrote various entries after many major events that occurred. There were 12 of these entries written in total all throughout her quest.

These journal entries, referred to as "Manuscripts", can be found below.

"#1: The Legend of the Seers"

( Written by Mystical Melody shortly after receiving her journal )

"Five thousand years ago is when this story begins. Though it still feels like it was yesterday.

There were seven unicorns, all with strong, wise, and powerful hearts, and each skilled in a different kind of magic. They were often referred to as "Seers"; Unequaled by any in their particular branch of magic.

Frozen Shield, master of Frost magic, and whom I am a decedent of.

Blazing Inferno, master of Ember magic.

Lightning Strike, master of Thunder magic.

Strange Tidings, master of Darkness magic.

Leaf Green, master of Nature magic.

Manny Mystery, master of Mystery magic.

And of course, their leader, and the only school founder still alive today: Lord Strums, master of Equality magic.

They had a long dream to teach other Ponies all they knew about their seven different forms of magic, each of which was different and unique in it's own special way, such as Thunder magic being extremely damaging, or Nature magic being used to cure illness and heal injury.

Naturally, Ponies came from far and wide, and eventually a grand school stood tall upon what would later become Maradice Isle. They called it the HoovenStrum School of Magic.

Unfortunately, it wasn't long before disaster struck. A terrible evil force found it's way to the island, and Strange Tidings, easily manipulated by the forces of evil, couldn't help but pledge his allegiance to the evil beings, known only as The Evil Incarnations.

In a valiant effort to save their island home, the other six Seers were forced to move against him.

A terrible battle ensued.

Frozen Shield's ice magic covered one of the islands two mountains in a never-ending blizzard, which would later be named "Mt. Winter".

Blazing Inferno unleashed a volcanic eruption upon Strange Tidings atop the other mountain, which would later become "Magma Mountain".

Lightning Strike created tidal waves that crashed into Strange Tidings along the coastline, smoothening the land and creating what would eventually be the foundation for the islands main town, Saddleville.

Leaf Green tried, many a time, to capture Strange Tidings within trees and other natural prisons, creating what would eventually become the Nature Wood.

Manny Mystery set many a powerful natural beast upon Strange Tidings. Any creatures that weren't destroyed in the conflict would escape the fighting into the wild, becoming the natural wild animals that would inhabit the land.

And Lord Strums, their leader, fought alongside the team through thick and thin.

On and on they clashed, all the while the residents of the island hid in fear within their homes, hoping to see the light of day again.

Until at last, Lord Strums and the other Seers were despaired of saving their friend, and were forced to take drastic measures.

They knew it would be the end of their friend Strange Tidings, but in one last group effort, the team combined their power and reduced Strange Tidings to a pile of ash, saving their home and everypony there in the process.

The six Seers were celebrated and rejoiced by every pony on the island, and were forever remembered as the islands saviors. A grand garden was constructed in the heart of the HoovenStrum School of Magic in their honor, complete with statues of the six surviving Seers. It was widely rumored that the ashy remains of Strange Tidings is buried underneath the central statue, which depicts Lord Strums standing tall and proud.

But the strain of the battle took it's toll on the six remaining Seers, and many years later, five of them passed away, leaving Lord Strums, the lone survivor, to govern both the school and the island by himself.

Never again would the island know of the power of the Seers, for their power had been broken the day Strange Tidings was defeated.

...At least, it should have been that way.

Five thousand years later, Strange Tidings has returned, seemingly by the recent reawakening of the Seers power. Nopony knows how or why, but one thing is for sure: With five of the other six Seers long gone, and with the remaining one to old and weak to fight him, Strange Tidings now has big plans for the world, presumably evil intentions, and has left for parts unknown to gather his strength, and eventually to return.

Rumor has it he is now hiding in a place known only as the Tower of Evil, the location of which is still, as of today, a mystery.

But Strange Tidings wasn't the only one who received an awakening call when the power of the Seers began to rise again, for it also called out to another Pony, one far younger and much more powerful then Frozen Shield in the ways of Frost magic.

And that Pony... is me."


"#2: Leaving the Island"

( Written by Mystical Melody right before she left Maradice Isle )

"This has to be the craziest day of my entire life.

The High Council assembled today in an attempt to find a solution to the Strange Tidings crisis. At first, everypony took turns talking about why we were there. Of course, I was there, because I wanted to be there during the meeting. I never felt more awkward in my life.

Then it came down to Lord Strums announcing that Strange Tidings had fled the island for lands unknown, and that he had suspicious that the evil stallion had gone to Equestria, a place none of us on the island had ever seen or visited before.

I'd heard fairy tales of winged Unicorns who rule that land, but I had never seen anything of the sort before, so I just thought that they were just wild rumors made to get a reaction out of the children.

Naturally, the other council members, which included the seven school teachers and Lord Strums, were terrified of the prospect of having to leave the island in order to pursue Strange Tidings. I didn't know what they were going to do. It looked as if it were going to erupt into yet another heated debate, like it did when they were deciding how to renovate the clock tower in town.

So in order to spare them the trouble, I did something that I knew would come back to bite me one day very soon.

I volunteered to go to Equestria and track down Strange Tidings myself, and put an end to his evil schemes.

The council members all looked at me as if I'd turned insane, but Lord Strums saw the courage and the determination in my eyes, and he agreed that I was the perfect candidate for the job. And I already had his promise that when my journey was over, I'd be welcomed back graciously.

Of course, my best friend since fillyhood, Burning Embers, volunteered to come with me and help me on my journey. He never could fight as well as I could, and I was worried for his health on an adventure like this, but what could I say to him? I couldn't just tell him to stay here and let me go it alone.

So together, we both boarded a ship about to leave Maradice Isle and set out, for the first time in our lifes, for lands unknown.

I knew I was about to face the most difficult task of my life. On this quest, I would either succeed, and put an end to Strange Tidings plans, or fail, and allow Maradice Isle, and everypony there, to bite the dust. And I wasn't about to let that happen."


"#3: Embers Joins The Hunt"

( Written as Melody was boarding the ship for Equestria )

"Well, I've had my fair share of surprises in my time, but never one quite like this. My long time friend and schoolmate Burning Embers is coming with me to Equestria.

His reasons were: "I can't let you go it alone." And: "I've always wanted to see a far-off place filled with magic and enchantment that's quite unlike our own."

I wish he would have thought this out more carefully. This isn't a sight-seeing trip I'm going on. If I can't defeat Strange Tidings, Maradice Isle and everypony on it will suffer from an eternity shrouded in darkness. And I don't even want to think about what could happen to me.

Sure, I welcome his help and his company on this adventure, but I'm also worried for his well-being. He could never fight as well as me, and always struggled when dueling other classmates, especially Frost ponies like myself.

I don't know if him coming on this quest is such a good idea. If something were to happen to him, I would never be able to forgive myself. I would have to live with the guilt for the rest of my life.

But I know it's pointless to try and argue with him, or get him to stay here. Once he sets his mind on something, he rarely changes his mind. And being friends since fillyhood, he would sooner swan dive into a volcano then let me go on such a dangerous journey alone.

And who knows? Maybe he'll manage to make something of himself on this quest. You never really know.

Looks like they're ready to set sail. I better get going. My journey awaits!"


"#4: Our First Battle"

( Written after Melody's first encounter with an Evil Incarnation )

"Well, it seems Strange Tidings has found out how to channel his evil power into physical manifestations to do his bidding, for we had our first encounter with one of these creatures today.

The creature, which we decided to dub an evil incarnation, fought the two of us with a fervor I have never seen before. It was truly a terrifying experience. But the two of us managed to combine our strength and we ultimately overcame the beast and defeat it.

But somehow, I can tell that this won't be the last time we encounter one of these monsters. These soulless, heartless creatures that will stop at nothing to destroy me, or capture me and bring me to Strange Tidings, or whatever it is they want to do.

I don't know how many of them Strange Tidings commands. Maybe he can send more then one after us at any given time. I have no idea. But what I do know is that me and Embers are going to have to learn to harness more of our power if we're going to stay one step ahead of them."


"#5: Our Power"

( Written after Melody and Embers combined their power in the Everfree Forest )

"Wow... I'd heard tales of incredible miracles when Seers combined their powers by touching horns, but I had never actually seen this ability in practice, let along been an active participant in such an event.

Well, that all changed today, for me and Embers were inside an old, abandoned shack in the Everfree Forest, surrounded on all sides by hundreds of Evil Incarnations.

I was right to fear that Strange Tidings could summon more then one at any given time to attack us, but I never expected to face an entire armada of them!

In a last ditch effort to survive, me and Burning Embers summoned all the power we could muster and touched our horns together.

The result, to be blunt... was devastating.

The shack itself was complete obliterated, along with most of the pursuing Evil Incarnations, which exploded into black ash and dust. The ones who did survive the attack quickly fled, not wishing to test our power any further.

I'm still baffled as to how we managed to unleash such a powerful attack, having never attempted to do so before. But I do know that we now have a secret weapon if we ever get in a real jam.

I doubt we'll be facing another large group of monsters like that anytime soon. Let's hope it stays that way"


"#6: Lightning Storm"

( Written after Melody and Embers first met Lightning Storm )

"I never thought, in all my life, that I would meet another Seer who didn't live on Maradice Isle.

Well, today I was proven wrong.

During one of our many escapades in Ponyville, me and Embers ran into, surprisingly enough, a young Thunder Seer who went by the name of Lightning Storm.

At first, I was surprised and even a little baffled as to how or why a Seer was living away from Maradice Isle, and I was even a little suspicious of him. But sure enough, several months before our meeting, he had heard the Seers awakening call, just like me and Embers did.

It wasn't long before we got to see his true mettle in battle, for we were ambushed by one of Strange Tidings evil incarnations shortly thereafter. I thought my life was going to come to a very painful end right then and there, but Embers and Storm somehow managed to overcome and defeat the monster.

Needless to say, I'm glad we've met up with another Seer and added his might to our own. Perhaps with him at our side, we have a chance against Strange Tidings after all."


"#7: The Grand Galloping Gala"

( Written before Melody and company went to the Grand Galloping Gala in 2017 )

"Every year, Equestrian Ponies have a very special celebration in Canterlot called The Grand Galloping Gala. It sounds very similar to the Serenade of the Seven Seers we have back at home.

Me, Embers and Storm have decided to go. I mean, why not? We're here to stop Strange Tidings and all, but we may as well try to have some fun while we're here. Maybe we can even make some friends.

And besides, it would be good for us to get out and socialize. We really shouldn't be hermits here in Equestria, it would reflect poorly on Maradice Isle.

I've heard there will be more of those winged unicorns they call "Alicorns" there, one of which is around my age. I'll certainly be looking forward to seeing that.

I'm sure the sight of those alicorns will knock Embers flat on his back. He almost didn't believe me when I told him about my prior meeting with the big white one they call Princess Celestia.

Well, time to get ready. The Grand Galloping Gala awaits!"


"#8: Autumn Shine"

( Written after Melody first meets Autumn Shine following her rescue )

"I never thought, in all my years, I would be put in a position like this. It makes my mind numb thinking about it.

But sure enough, I've been put into the position of a mother. Me and my team had rescued a young orange and yellow Pegasus filly in the Everfree Forest. I had left her on the front doorstep of an orphanage in Ponyville following this encounter, hoping her parents would come and recover her.

The problem is... they never showed up.

I encountered the little pony the next morning. She couldn't remember her parents or how she had gotten there. She only knew her name, which was Autumn Shine.

I don't know what compelled me to do it, but I felt the need to take the little Pegasus as my own. Maybe it would help to alleviate the guilt I'm no doubt feeling right now for not being able to help her parents.

Whichever way I spin it, I'm going to have to figure out how to cope with mothering Autumn on top of stopping Strange Tidings. Hopefully I'll be able to get some help from the others."


"#9: Power Orbs"

( Written after Melody received her first Power Orb. )

"I had been hoping for a way to boost mine and my teams powers after our last encounter with Strange Tidings, and wouldn't you know it, a solution came crashing down from the heavens.

I had encountered a small blue glowing orb with a white spinning snowflake inside of it. I could sense immense Frost magic coming from it unlike anything I had ever felt before.

I approached it and laid a hoof upon it, and as soon as I did, the orb shined brightly, flew up into the air, shattered into many pieces which then turned to sparkles, and were absorbed into my horn. As soon as they were all absorbed, I felt my magical power increase substantially.

I don't know how, or indeed why, these Orbs affects our magical power so much, but one thing I do know is this: They're a welcome addition to our strength, and I have no doubt in my mind that finding more of them will be essential to our missions success."


"#10: Our Powers United"

( Written after Melody and company combined their strength against Strange Tidings in the Everfree Forest. )

"Wow. I had no idea that the four of us, myself, Burning Embers, Lightning Storm, and Nature Hills were all so powerful. I knew our powers were growing as a result of both tireless combat, as well as the Power Orbs we've been collecting, but this is truly something else entirely.

The four of us had been assaulted by Strange Tidings while fending off an attack on Ponyville by his Evil Incarnations. During the battle, a number of crazy things happened.

Firstly, Strange Tidings had returned to full power, and as a result, he was different in appearance then when we last saw him. His body now had a sickening purplish hue to it. It spooked me out just to look at him.

But the biggest shocker of all was when he opened a portal in spacetime, and out came Autumn Shine's deceased parents. I couldn't believe it. I had hoped I could rescue them and they could be reunited with their daughter. But now it's been taken away from us completely.

Me and my team wasted no time in finishing off Strange Tidings afterwards. The four of us combined our powers into one, touching our horns together, and delivered a powerful magical blast that ultimate beat Strange Tidings, although he did manage to escape once again.

Hopefully we'll be able to chase him down in due time, because now that it's been revealed to me that Strange Tidings has no intentions on sparing innocent life when he returns to power, it's now more important then ever that we catch him and stop him. No matter what happens to us..."


"#11: Embers Strength of Heart"

( Written after Burning Embers assault on the evil incarnations outpost in the Everfree Forest )

"I thought my life was over.

I had a short battle with an evil incarnation on the deck of our airship, which had left me infected with Deadly Poison and near death.

But just when I thought my life was going to end right then and there, a miracle: Burning Embers had led an assault on the Evil Incarnations outpost in the Everfree Forest and destroyed it, retrieving an herb that allowed Nature Hills to cure my poisoning and save me.

When I asked him about it later, he said it was because his strength of heart had allowed him to push himself beyond his limits and destroy every enemy in his way. I had heard some of our friends had joined the battle as well, including Lord Strums, much to my shock and surprise.

Truly, that stallion has grown a lot since we got to Equestria, and I look forward to seeing how he does in the future.

I'm so glad he decided to come with me. He really is special."


"#12: Closing Out The Adventure"

( Written right before Melody went to bed following her return to the island )

"I know I haven't written in a long time, but so much has happened since the last time I opened this journal.

We discovered the portal to the Tower of Evil needed seven keys to open, and after much effort, we finally obtained these seven keys and entered the Tower of Evil.

There, we faced off with Strange Tidings in what has to be the harshest battle I've ever fought. But eventually, we defeated him and saved him from Shadow Corruption, and in a final act of heroism, he sacrificed himself to destroy the Tower of Evil, preventing his Energy Extractor, as he called it when he was corrupted, from destroying Maradice Isle.

After saying our goodbyes to our friends in Equestria, we finally returned to the island in triumph.

Needless to say, our reception when we returned was quite exceptional. Maybe it was because we had saved them all from a terrible fate, but we were welcomed back with loud cheers and open hooves.

And then, perhaps the most important moment of my life, and one I never thought would happen to me, of all ponies. Lord Strums announced his resignation as ruler of Maradice Isle and headmaster of HoovenStrum, passing on the titles to me. As the crown was being laid upon my head, I suddenly grew a pair of wings like a Pegasus!

And then it hit me: I had become an Alicorn!

This day has been absolutely crazy. But at the very least, I'm glad my long adventure is finally over. Now I have to worry about figuring out how to run things around here, while still taking the time to see Embers, Storm, Nature, Autumn, and all my friends back in Equestria.

Ah well, that can wait for tomorrow. For now, I need to get some sleep. I've more then earned it!"

Moment of Recall - Final Fantasy: Brave Exvius OST
00:00 / 00:00

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