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Princess Aquatic Showers

SCHOOL: Thunder

RACE: Unicorn

AGE: 1 year old

BODY COLOR(S): Dark purple

MANE/TAIL COLOR(S): Two shades of dark blue

EYE COLOR: Baby blue


SPECIAL TALENT: Skilled in the use of lightning and water magic


BIRTHDAY: January 1st


Aquatic Showers current history is very brief, seeing as she is extremely young. She was born into Princess Mystical Melody and Burning Ember's family on January 1st, and has spent her entire life since under her mothers loving care. It was then discovered that she had vast, untapped amounts of magic within her, no doubt obtained from both her parents and the other Seers. Time will tell just how powerful of a magic user she will become.


As a filly, Aquatic Showers will share various appearance traits with her parents. She has body, mane and tail colors similar to Melody's, except considerably darker, and she has her fathers shorter tail. Her eyes are almost the same color as Melody's.


It is unknown what kind of personality Aquatic Showers will have. Most likely, she will have a mix of Melody's sweet and calm personality, and Embers hot-headed personality.


As a baby, Aquatic Showers has expressed massive potential as a Thunder Pony. It is unknown what other traits she will have throughout her life.







- Has vast, untapped amounts of Thunder magic within her


- As she is a Thunder pony, she will most likely be weak to Mystery magic


She is still a blank flank.


  MYSTICAL MELODY: Aquatic loves her alicorn mother greatly. The little filly always enjoys spending time with Melody, and always looks forward to seeing what crazy or insane spells she's going to use next.

  BURNING EMBERS: Like with Melody, Aquatic loves her father. She always looks up to him as not only her father figure, but also a war hero whom she wishes to stand along with on the frostlines of combat one day.

  AUTUMN SHINE: Aquatic does enjoy spending time with her older Pegasus sister. Though she questions the fact that Autumn is a Pegasus, and she a Unicorn, the filly does enjoy training her skills alongside the orange Pony.

Moment of Recall - Final Fantasy: Brave Exvius OST
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My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic and all associating characters or locations referenced on this website are owned and copyright by Hasbro. All Rights Reserved.

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