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Princess Mystical Melody


RACE: Alicorn

AGE: 20

BODY COLOR(S): Light Blue

MANE/TAIL COLOR(S): Two shades of Light Blue

EYE COLOR: Dark Blue


SPECIAL TALENT: Control over ice and cold


BIRTHDAY: December 28th


Mystical Melody, known to many as the new "Frost Seer", hails from an island far SouthWest of the South Luna Ocean known as Maradice Isle ( A play on "Mare" and "Paradice" ). As her title might imply, she is unmatched in the art of controlling ice, snow, and cold itself as a powerful weapon to destroy her enemies.

Over 5,000 years ago, Melody's ancestor Frozen Shield, a pony skilled in the use of ice and cold-based magic, which would later be called Frost Magic, accompanied six other brave unicorns to this remote island, along with a large group of ragtag survivors from various disasters that plagued the area.

The seven Seers had a life-long dream to teach other young ponies their ways, so they the inhabitants of the island may grow and prosper independently, safe from the dangers of outside life. Frozen Shield, naturally, had a role to play in this event, and eventually, their efforts resulted in the construction of the HoovenStrum School of Magic, which both Mystical Melody and Burning Embers, her foalfriend for life, attend to this day.

But of course, not everything grand can go without it's problems. A tragedy struck the island one faithful day, and one of the other seven Seers, Strange Tidings, became corrupted by evil magic known only as Shadow Magic, turning him evil and causing him to attack the islands inhabitants. Frozen Shield and the other Seers moved against him, and during the ensuing battle, Frozen Shields magic caused the islands tallest mountain to be blanketed in a never ending blizzard, thus creating what would later be known as Mt. Winter.

Although the Seers attempts to stop Strange Tidings were successful, a terrible illness overtook Frozen Shields, and he perished shortly afterwards, along with four of the other Seers, leaving the supposedly lone survivor, Lord Instrument Strums, to rule Maradice Isle by himself.

It is unknown what happened to Melody's other ancestors. All that is currently known is that her now deceased father was a high-ranking royal guard in Princess Celestia's army in Canterlot for some time, evidenced by the fact that Melody still has her fathers suit of royal guard armor. It is unknown what happened to her parents, even by her, and it is assumed they both met with a terrible fate.

Growing up in the rough and tumble of the HoovenStrum School of Magic, alongside her childhood friend Burning Embers, she quickly learned to like her then teacher, General Smash, a highly skilled Frost pony. Melody discovered she had incredible talent in the use of Frost magic and quickly became General Smash's top student.

A few years later, Melody was forced to battle her teacher when Shadow magic surfaced again out of the blue and overtook the Frost professors mind. Though she was successful in defeating him, General Smash did not survive the encounter, and Melody was from then on forever scarred by her first brush with Shadow magic. She earned her cutie mark shortly thereafter.

Just when Melody thought everything was fine again, the worst had happened. Strange Tidings returned from his ashes, now even more power hungry then ever. Though Lord Strums did his best to defeat him, he was ultimately unable to, and the weakened Strange Tidings quickly fled from Maradice Isle, stating he was going to a land of enchantment to recover his strength, and eventually to return and overtake the island, plunging it forever into never-ending darkness.

The islands high council had assembled that night, consisting of Lord Strums and the school teachers, as well as Dancing Blades, the island duelmaster and registrar, and of course, Melody. After a long, heated debate about how to handle the Strange Tidings situation, it was eventually decided, mainly by Melody forcing herself into doing so, that she would travel to Equestria to hunt down Strange Tidings and put an end to his evil plot. This was met with much criticism from the school faculty, but Lord Strums believed it their best idea, as a Seer would have the best chance of finding Strange Tidings and ultimately stopping him.

Eventually, at the eve of the islands destruction, Melody did find and foil Strange Tidings plot, by using a very special item she had inherited from Lord Strums called the Light Medallion, which freed the wounded and weakened Strange Tidings from the shadow corruption that had dominated him 5,000 years prior. With his last few words, he instructs Melody and friends to destroy the shadow magic book that had originally corrupted him, before bringing down his Tower of Evil in a valiant effort to stop his own creation from destroying Maradice Isle. Though his life was lost, he was successful, and Melody's long journey was finally completed.

Upon returning to Maradice Isle, Melody and friends were greeted and hailed as heroes, the islands saviors from darkness. Lord Strums had pulled Melody aside into his office, where he officially dubbed her the new ruler of Maradice Isle in a new age of prosperity. Shortly after accepting her new position, Melody earned a pair of alicorn wings and was dubbed "Princess of Maradice Isle".

Some time later, a large Royal Palace was built in Saddleville, which Melody now lives in along with her adopted daughter.

Following some rather crazy events involving Shadow magic, Melody is finally able to destroy the corruptive nature of Shadow magic, allowing it's free usage without fear of corruption to the user. However, it also changed her dramatically: She is now able to call upon this dark power and summon her Shadow form. In this form, she's completely invulnerable to enemy attack and her magic power is boosted greatly. But overuse can result in the destruction of her soul, meaning she is unable to use it for very long. However, it is usable for whatever mundane task she needs it for.

Melody still rules over the island today, both as it's ruler and as the headmistress of HoovenStrum, and will likely continue to rule for many years to come.


Melody is easily distinguished from other ponies by her light blue coat and lighter blue mane and tail, as well as her dark blue eyes and cutie mark. At one point in her life, she wore a white and gold medal around her neck called an Energy Medal, a powerful magical artifact that restricted her maximum power output to prevent it from going out of her control. She has since gained full control of her powers and as a result, no longer wears it. She can also be seen wearing a bright blue and white dress at special or formal events. She is often described as "The most beautiful pony on Maradice Isle", though she denies this every time it's brought up.

Upon completing her quest, she was given alicorn wings that match her coat color. She seems to share the same wing design as Twilight Sparkle.

When in her Shadow form, her coat, mane and tail colors all darken dramatically, and her eyes turn a cold, lifeless gray. Her mane and tail will all begin to flow like Princess Celestia's, except much more quickly and violently; An indication of the massive power boost she receives in this state.


Mystical Melody ( everypony just calls her "Melody" ) is one of the sweetest mares you will ever meet. It's in her nature to maintain a happy and cheerful attitude, mainly because she's worried that if she allows her emotions to run away with her, it will cause her to lose control over her powers, which are already highly unstable to begin with.

However, when trouble strikes, she turns cold and calculating, the kind of attitude one would expect from a war-torn warrior on the battlefield.

She is also shown to have something of a soft spot around close friends and loved ones, such as Burning Embers, Lightning Storm and Nature Hills, and very rarely does she lower her guard, even when they're together.

Upon becoming the new headmistress of Maradice Isle, she has adopted a more "Take No Attitude From Anypony" trait to her personality. Should anypony cause trouble or mayhem in the school, they'll quickly find themselves in detention as Melody stares them down like a wrathful hawk.


As the Ice Seer, she has access to the power of the cold, which grants her the ability to create, control, and even manipulate powerful snow, ice, and the like to attack her enemies. While her spells aren't as powerful as other unicorns from her school, countless hours of wading through the snow, ice and cold have strengthened her natural defenses and magical resistance to unequal level, making her almost impossible to defeat in combat. She is also able to use her powers to strengthen her allies defenses, allowing them to survive in the most brutal battles.

Magic that uses ice and water to attack will have little to no effect on her, although magic that attacks with fire can be devastating to her. She is the Ice Seer, after all!

She rarely suffers illness, most like a result of her natural defenses being so well developed. However, she is not completely immune to sickness, and when she DOES get sick, it can take longer then normal for it to go away.

Following some rather unfortunate events after finally solving the puzzle to removing the corruptive nature of Shadow magic, Melody has gained the ability to fully control and manipulate Shadow magic. Although this branch of magic is extremely powerful, it can destroy her soul if used to much, so she only uses it when it's absolutely necessary.



The cold
When ponies understand her
Ponies who are cheerful and sweet
Her island home
Winning battles

Her children


Rude ponies
When her friends/loved ones get hurt
When things go horribly wrong
Using Shadow magic


  Her magical power rivals that of all the alicorn princesses put together, including Twilight Sparkle! ( Though she never says it out loud. Or to anypony, really )
  She is nearly impossible to defeat in combat; Her natural defenses and magical resistance is unmatched by any.
  She has multiple spells that damage and stun the enemy, preventing them from running away or attacking.
  She is great at avoiding sickness, and as such, she rarely gets sick.
  She is able to harness the power of Ice/Frost-enfused items found throughout her journey to enhance her already powerful magical abilities.
  Has the entire army and defense force of Maradice Isle at her command.
  Can control and use Shadow magic, and even summon her Shadow form, which boosts her power tremendously and renders her temporarily invulnerable.


  Spells that attack with fire will do TONS of damage to her!
  Despite having full control over her power, it is relatively unstable, and may go out of control. Also, much of it is still untapped.
  Her magical attacks aren't as powerful as other ponies are.
  If she gets sick, the effects tend to linger for longer then usual.
  Should things go horribly wrong, her cool and concentration can quickly slip away from her, leaving her sloppy, upset and unsure of what to do.
  Has yet to fully adjust to her new status as the islands ruler, or to her new wings.
  Overusing Shadow magic can destroy her soul.


Her cutie mark is a dark blue snowflake, more then likely because she is the Ice Seer, and therefor has unmatched control over the cold.


    BURNING EMBERS: Burning Embers is Melody's fillyhood friend, whom she's known her entire life. They studied magic together at HoovenStrum, grew up together, played together, and even trained in combat together! Naturally, when she began her quest to find Strange Tidings and end his evil scheme, he quickly joined her to help her complete her journey. Though he can't fight as well as she can, he's determined to help her see her adventure through to the end. These two are rarely seen apart. Following her quest's completion, he was made the new captain of the islands defense force, serving as Melody's personal bodyguard. They seem to have romantic feeling for one another.

    LIGHTNING STORM: A young Thunder Seer whom Melody met in Ponyville, he was skeptical about the legend of the Seers and that he, in fact, was a decedent of Lightning Strike, the original Thunder Seer at first. But a heated battle with both a powerful Evil Incarnation, as well as Strange Tidings himself, quickly changed his mind. Being a Thunder pony, he quickly secured his place among Melody's group due to his ability to deal massive damage quickly and efficiently. She considers him a good friend, whom she can rely on in a pinch to get the job done. Following the quests completing, he decided to move to Maradice Isle and now spends the majority of his time working at the Clocktower Library, though he can be found surfing the waves of the island from time to time.

    NATURE HILLS: A Nature Seer whom Melody met in Canterlot right before the Grand Galloping Gala, earning Nature Hills trust was tricky at first, due to the fact she had had numerous visions and nightmares about Melody and Strange Tidings prior to their encounter, most likely a result of the Seers awakening call. But after an encounter with Strange Tidings, during which she saved Melody's life with her healing spells, she was happily welcomed among Melody's team. Melody considers her a valuable asset to their group, as well as a good friend. She became head of the island medical staff following the completion of their quest.

    LORD INSTRUMENT STRUMS: The last living Seer from the old legend ( the rest having either passed away or turned evil ), Lord Strums is Melody's mentor, as well as the former headmaster of the HoovenStrum School of Magic, the magic school she and Burning Embers attended. Over 5,000 years old, his magical power has started to dwindle, and as a result, he is in no shape to leave the island and pursue Strange Tidings. He has strong faith in Melody, and firmly believes that she will defeat Strange Tidings in his stead. Melody considers him a wonderful mentor. After hearing about Melody's adventures, he has finally decided to travel to Equestria and see the great land for himself. After Melody finished her quest, he dubbed her the new ruler of the island, as well as the new headmistress of the school, allowing him to enter retirement. Though he still helps out when he can, usually by giving ponies in detention long, boring lectures about this and that.

    AUTUMN SHINE: Melody's adopted daughter, whom she saved from an evil incarnation in the Everfree Forest. Melody feels personally responsible for the terrible fate that had befallen the young Pegasus' parents, and feels that by taking her in and raising her as her own, as well as keeping her safe from further harm, she can help alleviate the guilt. Melody genuinely cares for her as if she were her own flesh and blood, and can often be seen giving detention to any students who try to bully her. She was enrolled at HoovenStrum following the completion of Melody's quest.


    AQUATIC SHOWERS: Melody's flesh and blood daughter, whom was born on January 1st, 2018. Melody loves Aquatic dearly, and will do everything in her power to protect her. Even if it means giving up her own life. She sees vast potential in little Aquatic as a Thunder pony.

    STRANGE TIDINGS: The main antagonist of Melody's adventure, he's the one who is responsible for the deaths of five of the original Seers, as well as Autumn Shine's parents. Creepy, all-power and highly intimidating, he controls a dangerous and highly unstable branch of magic called "Shadow Magic", which is so time and space-bendingly power, it's been banned from HoovenStrum and Maradice Isle twice over. Melody firmly believed that he was corrupted by Shadow Magic, and at the end of their journey, they finally manage to free him from the dark magics grip. In a final act of redemption for his past misdeeds, he sacrifices himself to bring down the Tower of Evil, preventing his Energy Extractor from destroying Maradice Isle.

    LIGHTNING BLAZE: A young vampony Melody met while out in Ponyville one faithful night, it was thanks to her that Melody and company learned of "Power Orbs", magical artifacts that can boost their magical power, as well as give them access to new and stronger spells. Melody considers her a close friend, and one of the few ponies, apart from her team, that she can rely on in a fight. Although it's never said anywhere, she sees much potential in Blaze, especially as an Ember pony.


  Despite her disliking of heat, she enjoys a cup of warm tea from time to time.
  She has a strong sense of justice, and will fight with all her might to prevent evil from taking over, as well as protecting those in need. This was likely passed down to her by her father, whom was a royal guard at Canterlot castle for much of his early life.
  -She still has her fathers suit of royal guard armor, but almost never uses it.
  She was commonly found leading her team of other Seers in combat against the evil incarnations, leading many to believe that she was the leader of their team.
  Because of the nature of her powers, and the fact her power rivals that of the alicorn princesses, it is widely believed that she is the next Ice Seer, and is refereed to as such by almost everypony on Maradice Isle.
  -Likewise, Burning Embers is believed to be the next Fire Seer, although this has only recently been confirmed when he and Lightning Storm, the Thunder Seer whom Melody met in Ponyville, combined their powers to unleash a superattack in a desperate attempt to save her life.
    -At the same time, Nature Hills, a young green pony the team met in Canterlot before the Grand Galloping Gala, is believed to be the next Nature Seer.
  Whenever she needs to calm down, she can often be seen taking deep breaths and reciting the legend of the Seven Seers in her mind.
  She has an adoptive young Pegasus daughter named Autumn Shine, who's parents were killed by Strange Tidings.
  Upon completing her quest, she was given the title of "Princess of Maradice Isle", and now rules over her island home.
  She has been known to keep a journal of her travels and adventures.

  She is engaged to Lord Burning Embers, whom is the father of their two daughters.

Moment of Recall - Final Fantasy: Brave Exvius OST
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My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic and all associating characters or locations referenced on this website are owned and copyright by Hasbro. All Rights Reserved.

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