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Saddleville is the islands primary town, consisting of about 27,000 ponies in total. The town is quite large, about three to four times the size of Ponyville, and remains the islands most prosperous town.

The town has many interesting structures and places to visit within it, chief among them is the Royal Palace, Clocktower Library, Dueling Arena, Marketplace, Shipyards and Town Hall.

It is believed that the town was founded even before the island was given it's official name by the Seven Seers of Old. It's name was given to it because of the beautiful saddle Leaf Green wore at the time.

Ever since the Dawn of Shadows incident, trade with outside nations has caused the towns population to increase, and the islands annual income has seen a sharp rise, meaning the town itself is more prosperous then ever.

There are rumored to be at least 100 guards on duty patrolling the city at any given time, with a handful of Elites guarding areas of great importance, such as the Town Hall. It's not uncommon to see at least 40 Elites guarding the Royal Palace and surrounding area, both inside and out.

Special events are often held in Saddleville, most of which take place in the large open plaza out in front of the ClockTower Library. At Hearts and Hooves day, a large pink heart is visible in the middle of this plaza. At Nightmare Night, a giant scale model of Strange Tidings is brought out, and at Hearthswarming, a large decorated tree is seen in the middle of the plaza.

Moment of Recall - Final Fantasy: Brave Exvius OST
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