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School of Frost

Trademark Attributes: Control over ice, snow, and the cold.

Trademark Traits: High physical health, defense, and magic resistance.

Primary Roll: Heavy Tank.

School Colors: Light Blue and White.

Original Founder: Frozen Shield.

The School of Frost stands as the first line of defense in a battle scenario. Their students, refereed to as "Frost Ponies", are taught in the ways of using powerful heavy armor, shields, protection spells, and their natural patience to tank heavy damage from enemy attacks, shielding their allies from danger.

Frost Ponies have the highest physical health, physical defense, and magic resistance of all the schools, making them perfect for the role of Heavy Tank. As a tradeoff, their offensive power is lesser then the other six schools, usually on par with the Nature Ponies, and their agility is low. But their ability to shrug off even the mightiest of blows makes them a valuable asset in combat. They can be very difficult to defeat.

Frost Ponies are extremely effective against Ember enemies, but are also weak to Ember-based attacks.

Famous Frost Ponies over the years include Frozen Shield, the original Frost Seer who helped with the founding of both the island and the school. Arctic Breeze, the current Frost school professor, and Princess Mystical Melody, the islands current ruler.

Moment of Recall - Final Fantasy: Brave Exvius OST
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My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic and all associating characters or locations referenced on this website are owned and copyright by Hasbro. All Rights Reserved.

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