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The great Plain

The Great Plain is a massive open grassy field littered with only a handful of trees and many beautiful fields of flowers, as well as a couple of small lakes. The plain itself covers most of the islands overall land mass, and serves as a primary hub for all of the islands other areas.

The Great Plain is particularly famous for it's massive fields of beautiful flowers, which come into bloom during the first month of spring every year on the island.

The only real point of interest within the plains themselves are the Maradice Retirement Homes, which sits along the islands easternmost shores.

During the "Dawn of Shadows" incident, the plains themselves turned a sickly gray in contrast to it's usual bright, healthy green, as a result of Strange Tidings Energy Extractor device, which nearly drained the island dry of all it's life force. Upon the destruction of this device, the islands life energy returned, and the grass was a beautiful green once again.

Throughout the years, the Great Plain has remained relatively the same. It is covered in snow during the winter, and in the spring, once all the snow melts, about 90% of the plains is covered in beautiful spring flowers that last for several weeks.

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