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Five thousand years ago is when this story begins.

There were seven unicorns, all with strong, wise, and powerful hearts, and each skilled in a different kind of magic. They were often referred to as "Seers"; Unequaled by any in their particular branch of magic.

Frozen Shield, master of Frost magic.

Blazing Inferno, master of Ember magic.

Lightning Strike, master of Thunder magic.

Strange Tidings, master of Darkness magic.

Leaf Green, master of Nature magic.

Manny Mystery, master of Mystery magic.

And of course, their leader: Instrument Strums, master of Equality magic.

They had a long dream to teach other Ponies all they knew about their seven different forms of magic, each of which was different and unique in it's own special way, such as Thunder magic being extremely damaging, or Nature magic being used to cure illness and heal injury.

Naturally, Ponies came from far and wide, and eventually a grand school stood tall upon what would later become Maradice Isle. They called it the HoovenStrum School of Magic.

Unfortunately, it wasn't long before disaster struck. A terrible evil force found it's way to the island, and Strange Tidings, easily manipulated by the forces of evil, couldn't help but pledge his allegiance to the evil beings, known only as The Evil Incarnations.

In a valiant effort to save their island home, the other six Seers were forced to move against him.

A terrible battle ensued.

Frozen Shield's ice magic covered one of the islands two mountains in a never-ending blizzard, which would later be named "Mt. Winter".

Blazing Inferno unleashed a volcanic eruption upon Strange Tidings atop the other mountain, which would later become "Magma Mountain".

Lightning Strike created tidal waves that crashed into Strange Tidings along the coastline, smoothening the land and creating what would eventually be the foundation for the islands main town, Saddleville.

Leaf Green tried, many a time, to capture Strange Tidings within trees and other natural prisons, creating what would eventually become the Nature Wood.

Manny Mystery set many a powerful natural beast upon Strange Tidings. Any creatures that weren't destroyed in the conflict would escape the fighting into the wild, becoming the natural wild animals that would inhabit the land.

And Instrument Strums, their leader, fought alongside the team through thick and thin.

On and on they clashed, all the while the residents of the island hid in fear within their homes, hoping to see the light of day again.

Until at last, Instrument Strums and the other Seers were despaired of saving their friend, and were forced to take drastic measures.

They knew it would be the end of their friend Strange Tidings, but in one last group effort, the team combined their power and reduced Strange Tidings to a pile of ash, saving their home and everypony there in the process.

The six Seers were celebrated and rejoiced by every pony on the island, and were forever remembered as the islands saviors. A grand garden was constructed in the heart of the HoovenStrum School of Magic in their honor, complete with statues of the six surviving Seers. It was widely rumored that the ashy remains of Strange Tidings is buried underneath the central statue, which depicts Instrument Strums standing tall and proud.

But the strain of the battle took it's toll on the six remaining Seers, and many years later, five of them passed away, leaving Instrument Strums, the lone survivor, to govern both the school and the island by himself.

Never again would the island know of the power of the Seers, for their power had been broken the day Strange Tidings was defeated.

Moment of Recall - Final Fantasy: Brave Exvius OST
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DISCLAIMER: All characters, locations, scenarios and game cards seen on this website are owned and copyright by Bulldozer Studios and their staff. All Rights Reserved.

My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic and all associating characters or locations referenced on this website are owned and copyright by Hasbro. All Rights Reserved.

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